Part-time Jobs for International Students in the UK

Part-time Jobs for International Students in the UK

As an international student in the UK, one of the first things you’ll want to achieve is landing a job that can help sort out some bills. However, since you’re restricted to working only 20 hours every week, finding a part-time job as an international student is your best bet. 

Part-time jobs allow you to gain valuable work experience in the United Kingdom, improve your socialisation skills and gain extra income on the side. We know that navigating the job market as an international student in the UK can be unfamiliar, and so beyond applying for retail, care and hospitality roles, this post will share other lucrative and digital-savvy part-time jobs for international students in the UK.

Online Content Creator.

If you’re very versed in social media, it's time to open a new Instagram or TikTok account. Since the UK offers several monetisation opportunities for these platforms, you can make an extra income by posting engaging content online. 

You can also use other freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr if you have a knack for writing, photography or videography. This option is highly flexible and allows you to showcase your creativity. 

Become a Language Tutor.

For students who can speak another language, you can capitalise on your native language expertise by becoming a language tutor. You can use platforms like Hello Talk, Tutorful and more, for students who are seeking language learning support. You can build your network whilst earning an income for a few hours of tutoring every week. 

Want to see how it works yourself? Download the app and create an account for free here.

Teaching Assistant.

Although becoming a teacher in the UK requires certain certifications, you can still gain valuable teaching experience by becoming a teaching assistant. This role entails helping teachers prepare notes, and assist in classrooms and with their students. Learn more about this on platforms like ZenEducate.

Childcare Assistant/Nanny.

If you enjoy working with children, another role to consider is becoming a childcare assistant or a nanny. Platforms like Koru Kids or connect you with families seeking childcare support. This role allows you to build valuable childcare experience, improve your communication skills, and learn about local early childhood education practices.

Research Assistant.

Many universities offer part-time research assistant positions to support professors and researchers particularly if you’re studying for a post-graduate or doctorate degree. This role involves conducting research tasks, data analysis, or administrative support related to ongoing projects.

This is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable research experience and insight into your chosen field. We highly recommend this if you plan on working in academia after school. You can apply directly to your school or other nearby schools.

House Sitter/Pet Sitter.

For animal lovers, house sitting and pet sitting offer flexible income opportunities. Platforms like TrustedHousesitters or Rover connect you with homeowners seeking pet care while they travel or work. This role allows you to earn income while caring for pets, potentially gaining experience in pet training and animal behaviour. You may have to walk dogs, feed pets and be responsible for their overall well-being during this period.

Support Worker.

If you’re more inclined to be responsible for human care, then offering support care is a great opportunity. Support workers provide physical and emotional support to disadvantaged people in society. This could include dressing, bathing, cooking, offering companionship and advocating for their rights. You can learn more about this by visiting the National Care Forum.

Data annotation.

As an international student in the UK, you can contribute to the development of artificial intelligence by labelling and classifying data for various applications. Although a repetitive and monotonous role, this job can be done remotely and offers flexible hours. You simply register on a website like Appen, and once you’ve been accepted, you can then get assigned tasks to work on.  

Administrative Assistant.

Most universities, colleges, and various organizations in the UK often seek international students as part-time administrative assistants for various tasks like data entry, scheduling appointments, managing emails, and providing general office support. 

This role offers valuable experience in office administration, improves your communication and organisational skills, and provides a glimpse into different work environments. Searching on popular job boards like Reed or Indeed can help you get started. 


While waiting to land your part-time role, you’ll need something to keep you busy outside of school. So although volunteering does not directly generate income, it does offer valuable experience and exposure to different sectors. 

You can give back to the community, develop new skills, and potentially network with professionals in your field of interest. So consider registering on volunteering platforms like Do-it or Volunteering Match so you can connect with diverse opportunities. 

Want to see how it works yourself? Download the app and create an account for free here.

Tips for Landing a Part-Time Job in the UK as an International Student.

Finding jobs that align with your skills is just the beginning. To be more successful in your job search, you should; 

  • Develop a strong resume and cover letter. Be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills and experiences for each job application.
  • Prepare for interviews: Research the company or organization and be prepared to answer questions about your qualifications and motivation.
  • Network with peers and professionals: Attend university career fairs, join relevant student clubs, or connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn to explore potential opportunities.

Wrapping Up.

Finally, you need a reliable UK bank account so you can receive your wages, send money home at inexpensive rates and manage your finances even better. Not sure where to start? Learn more about OhentPay here.

If you’d like to send money anywhere in the world and prefer fast transfers at great rates, we recommend the OhentPay money transfer service. Create an account to get started here.

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