Inspiring Inclusion: Voices of Women at OhentPay

Inspiring Inclusion: Voices of Women at OhentPay

On celebrating International Women’s Day 2024.

International Women’s Day, observed annually on March 8, is a global occasion to recognise the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s also a day to highlight the ongoing fight for gender equality. This year, the theme for IWD 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion.”

Inclusion means valuing and embracing the diversity of women in all aspects of life, from leadership and decision-making to education and health. Inclusion also means challenging the barriers and biases that prevent women from reaching their full potential and contributing to society. As we join to celebrate IWD 2024, let’s remember that inclusion is an active commitment. Whether as individuals, organizations, or communities, we all play a part in shaping a more equitable and inclusive world.

What Does To “Inspire Inclusion” Mean?

Inspire Inclusion in today’s world means: 

Empowering women to be included: Women need inspiration to actively participate and be included. When women are inspired to take up space, share their voices, and contribute, they become agents of positive change. 

Inclusion isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a lived reality that impacts every aspect of our lives.

Understanding and valuing women’s inclusion: When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we directly contribute to a better world. Inclusion goes beyond mere representation; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. By recognising and celebrating the diverse contributions of women, we foster a more inclusive society.

We contribute to a better world by inspiring others to understand and value women’s inclusion. 
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What Inspiring Inclusion Means at OhentPay.

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, the women of OhentPay share their perspectives on what 'Inspiring Inclusion; truly means. These remarkable women, from diverse backgrounds and fields, offer insights that resonate far beyond the confines of our workspace. Let’s delve into their thoughts and experiences, as they talk about inclusion, equality, and empowerment.

Adesuwa: Breaking down barriers.

To Adesuwa, "Inclusion means eliminating the barriers created by the limiting views of seeing ‘DIFFERENT’ as a problem rather than as an opportunity to learn and evolve.” She emphasizes that embracing diversity is not merely a checkbox exercise; it’s about fostering trust, belonging, and unity. Adesuwa believes that even the simplest acts, like a warm greeting, can inspire inclusion.

Ihunanya: Amplifying women's voices.

“It’s essential,” Ihunanya mentions, “to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds, fields, and cultures.” By doing so, we amplify their voices and experiences. This recognition, Ihunanya believes, fosters greater gender equality and creates an inclusive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued and respected.

Obianuju: Shattering glass ceilings.

Obianuju takes a proactive approach to inspiring inclusion. “It starts from my immediate environment,” she says. As a woman, she ensures that women are well-represented wherever she goes. Obianuju encourages women to be audacious in pursuing their dreams, even in unconventional spaces. Her mission? To shatter glass ceilings and empower women to be their best selves, wherever it matters most.

Olayemi: Making women's voices heard.

Olayemi’s response talks about creating space. “Women should be included and inspired,” she affirms, “to make a difference.” Whether in relationships, family, community, or the workplace, Olayemi advocates for women’s voices to be heard. She believes that when women speak up, they contribute to positive change and pave the way for a more inclusive world.

Mamie: Challenging stereotypes is needed.

Mamie’s words resonate powerfully: “Inspire Inclusion means empowering all women.” She emphasizes that background should never be a barrier. Mamie envisions a world where every woman thrives and leads, regardless of where she comes from. To achieve this, we must challenge stereotypes, advocate for equality, and wholeheartedly embrace diversity.

Adeola: Uniqueness and voices.

Adeola adds her voice to the topic of inclusion. “Inspiring Inclusion means recognizing that everyone brings something unique and valuable to the table,” she mentions. Our differences, far from being obstacles, strengthen us. Adeola emphasizes that inclusion isn’t just a wish; it’s an intentional effort we make to create a reality where everyone has a seat at the table and a voice that’s heard.

Helen: Trusting skills and talents.

Helen, the Customer Success Manager, shares her firsthand experience. “Championing diversity in leadership and decision-making,” she says, “is about more than fulfilling quotas.” It’s about recognizing and trusting women’s skills, experiences, and talents. Inspiring inclusion, according to Helen, means valuing diversity in every aspect of our lives—both professional and personal. By providing women with resources and opportunities, we unlock their full potential and propel them toward success.

Want to see how it works yourself? Download the app and create an account for free here.

How Can You Inspire Inclusion In Today’s World?


Through individual actions.

  • Understand, value, and seek out the inclusion of women and girls.
  • Encourage others to do the same by sharing knowledge, support, and encouragement.
  • Embrace diversity—whether it’s race, age, ability, faith, body image, or identity.

Through organizational and group efforts.

  • Economic empowerment: Create more viable opportunities for women to thrive economically.
  • Talent development: Recruit, retain, and develop more female talent.
  • Leadership and decision-making: Support women’s introduction and advancement into leadership roles.
  • Health education: Help women make informed decisions about their health.
  • Education and training: Provide quality education and training opportunities.
  • Sports and art: Encourage women’s participation and achievements.
  • Addressing further areas: Continuously support women and girls’ progress, no matter how small.

Wrapping Up.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2024, let us remember the importance of inspiring inclusion for women and girls everywhere. This year’s campaign theme, #InspireInclusion, is more than just striking a pose and sharing images and statements on social media.

To truly show our solidarity and commitment to women’s equality, we should participate more in activities and events that promote and celebrate women’s achievements and contributions. Let us join the global movement of International Women’s Day and help create a more inclusive world for women. Together, we can inspire inclusion.

Happy International Women’s Day! 🌟👩‍💼🚺

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